Book and Claim Community

for heavy transport decarbonization


We are here to serve as a central hub for stakeholders, reduce duplication across the community, and communicate a clear and inclusive narrative.

Together, we can foster a high-integrity book and claim chain of custody framework that supports widespread heavy transport decarbonization.

Contact us to get involved in one of the four work areas, described below.

Collaborate with the Community

This Community was created to connect, support, and catalyze efforts across numerous stakeholders towards the development of a unified book and claim chain of custody framework for transport decarbonization. Our work sprung from the basic questions:
Can heavy transportation emitters contribute to transport decarbonization as an alternative to offsets? Could such activity have beneficial knock-on effects for transportation decarbonization as a whole?
Our sense is that you agree — the answer is a clear, yes. Together, we can ensure that transportation emissions don’t continue to climb. We also know that true collaboration takes time, transparency and trust. RMI and Smart Freight Centre (SFC) are leading this Book & Claim Community, as the joint Secretariat, in order to ensure broad industry alignment. We’re looking for your input.
Throughout 2024, we’ll be focusing on four work areas. There will be opportunities to collaborate, work on problems you and your peers face when implementing book and claim projects, and we will be communicating our collective progress in a monthly newsletter.

Work Areas

Reporting & Targets

Coordinate engagement with key reporting and target-setting organizations and support continuity across emissions accounting


Pursue alignment across approaches for certifying claims, standards for book and claim and communication with assurance providers

Registries & Applications

Increase coordination between registries and related software solution providers to ensure interoperability and reduce errors

Capacity & Communication

Facilitate cross-sector capacity-building, summarizing and strategically communicating pilot approaches and outcomes

Stay in touch

Meet the Team
